balqis binti mohd wazir , IIUM , bachelor of science (architectural studies) honour .

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

222 : just an urgent.

Bismillah is a good starter of the day, right? :)
okey, i'm feeling quite awesome today. well, it's a good sign , right? Alhamdulillah. yesterday was pretty unexpected. haha. can't tell you why and what. haha. everyone was really nice yesterday and today. it was like a miracle.

yesterday, someone came to my house. and this woman which i don't know who, talked with mum. and i was just about to know that actually she's my neighbour. haha. and, she asked mum "siapa ye yang suka main piano tu? sedap. " but i don't know what's their conversation right after that. then, mum sent me to work and i was feeling damn awesome yesterday. banyak drama , banyak gelak . and even noi told me, "aku tak sangka la kau macam ni juga orangnya" . haha. balik tu, jumpa ibu ayah and everything macam biasa lahh. sampai lah malam tuuuu :D okey stop balqis . haha . don't over react please.

pagi tadi aku text supervisor , bagitau dia aku nak resign bila. lepas tu aku baca buku " Umar Al-Khattab , Reformasi Dunia Islam " oleh Abdul Latip Talib . okey, starting dia pun dah nampak betapa gahnya watak utama dalam buku ni. sebenarnya semua orang tau, aku sangat tak minat membaca. but we should start the ball rolling, right? kalau tidak, sampai bila pun aku tak suka. so, we should transform a little by little. oh then my phone rang again a call from Ah Ho my supervisor, lepas tu aku angkat. gelak besar kitaorang. cakap suara aku macam makcik. haiisshh haha. dia tak nak aku resign. alahai sedihnya.  sorry, nak promote sikit.


thank you :) boleh mention saya di @balqisahz atau di facebook ' Ning Balqis Mohd Wazir ' thank you very much. XOXO.